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Enjoy Ben 10: Alien Force - Vilgax Attacks in 1080p with Dolphin Emulator

How to Play Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks on PC with Dolphin Emulator

If you are a fan of Ben 10, you might have played or heard of Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks, a video game based on the third season of the animated series. In this game, you can control Ben Tennyson, a teenager who can transform into various aliens using a device called the Omnitrix, as he travels across the galaxy to stop the evil Vilgax from conquering Earth. You can also play as Gwen Tennyson, Ben's cousin who has magical powers, and Kevin Levin, Ben's friend who can absorb different materials.

ben 10 alien force - vilgax attacks dolphin emulator download

Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks was released in 2009 for Nintendo DS, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable, Wii, and Xbox 360. But did you know that you can also play it on your PC? Thanks to a software called Dolphin Emulator, you can run GameCube and Wii games on your computer with enhanced graphics, sound, and features. Dolphin Emulator is a free and open-source program that emulates the hardware and software of these two Nintendo consoles, allowing you to enjoy games like Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks in full HD (1080p) resolution, with compatibility with all PC controllers, turbo speed, networked multiplayer, and even more!

In this article, we will show you how to play Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks on PC with Dolphin Emulator. We will guide you through the steps of downloading and installing Dolphin Emulator, finding a legal copy of Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks for GameCube or Wii, configuring Dolphin Emulator settings for optimal performance and compatibility, loading Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks ISO file or disc into Dolphin Emulator, and starting your intergalactic adventure. We will also provide some tips and tricks for enjoying the game more, as well as some links for more information and resources about the game and the emulator.


Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks is a fun and action-packed game that follows the story of the third season of Ben 10: Alien Force. In this game, you can explore 10 different planets, each with its own unique environment, enemies, puzzles, and boss battles. You can also use the Omnitrix to transform into 10 different aliens, each with its own special abilities and powers. You can switch between aliens at any time during gameplay, allowing you to adapt to different situations and challenges. You can also play as Gwen or Kevin in some levels, using their magic or material powers, respectively. You can also unlock bonus content, such as concept art, videos, and cheats, by collecting Sumo Slammer cards hidden throughout the game.

Dolphin Emulator is a software that can run GameCube and Wii games on your PC. It is not an illegal or pirated program, as it does not contain any Nintendo code or data. It is a project that aims to recreate the functionality of these consoles using your own hardware and software. Dolphin Emulator can run most GameCube and Wii games with high compatibility and accuracy, as well as improve their graphics, sound, and features. Dolphin Emulator can also run games from other regions, such as Japan or Europe, as well as homebrew games and applications.

Playing Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks on PC with Dolphin Emulator has many benefits. You can enjoy the game in full HD (1080p) resolution, with anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering, and other enhancements that make the game look sharper and smoother. You can also use any PC controller you want, such as a keyboard, mouse, gamepad, or even a real Wii Remote. You can also adjust the game speed, save and load your progress at any point, use cheats and enhancements if desired, and even play online with other players using Dolphin's Netplay feature.

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Before you can play Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks on PC with Dolphin Emulator, you need to make sure that your computer meets the minimum and recommended system requirements for Dolphin Emulator. Here are the specifications you need to check:




Operating System

Windows 7 (x64) or abovemacOS 10.10 Yosemite or aboveLinux

Windows 10 (x64)macOS 10.13 High Sierra or aboveLinux

Processor (CPU)

A CPU with SSE2 supportA modern CPU with AVX2 support (Haswell or Skylake) is recommended.

A fast CPU with high single-thread performanceAn Intel Core i5/i7 or AMD Ryzen is recommended.

Memory (RAM)

2 GB or more

4 GB or more

Graphics Card (GPU)

A GPU that supports DirectX 11.1An Intel HD Graphics 4000 or a Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT or better is recommended.

A GPU that supports DirectX 12 or VulkanAn Nvidia GeForce GTX 1060 or an AMD Radeon RX 580 or better is recommended.

Storage Space

At least 100 MB for Dolphin EmulatorAt least 4 GB for Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks ISO file or disc

The same as minimum

To download Dolphin Emulator, you need to visit its official website at . There you can find the latest stable version of Dolphin Emulator for Windows, macOS, and Linux, as well as the latest development versions for testing new features and bug fixes. You can also find the source code of Dolphin Emulator on GitHub if you want to compile it yourself.

To install Dolphin Emulator, you need to extract the downloaded ZIP file to a folder of your choice. You don't need to install anything else, as Dolphin Emulator is a portable program that does not require any additional dependencies or libraries. You can run Dolphin Emulator by double-clicking on the Dolphin.exe file in the folder.

To find a legal copy of Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks for GameCube or Wii, you need to own the original game disc and rip it to your computer using a compatible disc drive. You cannot download the game from any website or torrent site, as that would be illegal and unethical. You also cannot use any other person's copy of the game, as that would violate the game's license agreement. The only legal way to play Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks on PC with Dolphin Emulator is to use your own copy of the game that you bought legally.

To rip Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks disc to your computer, you need to use a software that can read GameCube and Wii discs and create an ISO file from them. One such software is and follow the instructions on how to install and use it. You will also need a USB flash drive or an SD card with enough space to store the ISO file, as well as a computer that can read the USB flash drive or the SD card.

To use CleanRip, you need to insert Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks disc into your Wii console and launch CleanRip from the Homebrew Channel. You will then see a menu where you can select the output device (USB or SD), the chunk size (1 GB, 2 GB, 3 GB, or 4 GB), and the dual-layer option (yes or no). You should choose the output device that matches your USB flash drive or SD card, the chunk size that is smaller than the free space on your device, and the dual-layer option that matches your disc (yes for Wii, no for GameCube). You can then press A to start ripping the disc. Depending on the size of the disc and the speed of your drive, this process may take several minutes to hours. You will see a progress bar and a percentage indicator on the screen. When the ripping is done, you will see a message saying "Done dumping disc". You can then press any button to exit CleanRip and turn off your Wii console.

To transfer Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks ISO file to your computer, you need to connect your USB flash drive or SD card to your computer and copy the file from it. You may need to join multiple chunks of the file if you chose a chunk size smaller than 4 GB. You can use a software like to do this. You should then have a single ISO file of Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks that you can use with Dolphin Emulator.


Before you can load Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks ISO file or disc into Dolphin Emulator, you need to configure Dolphin Emulator settings for optimal performance and compatibility. Here are some of the settings you need to adjust:

General Settings

To access the general settings of Dolphin Emulator, you need to click on the Config button on the main toolbar. You will then see a window with several tabs where you can change various options.

General Tab

In this tab, you can change some basic settings of Dolphin Emulator, such as:

  • The language of Dolphin Emulator's interface

  • The theme of Dolphin Emulator's interface

  • The speed limit of Dolphin Emulator's emulation (100% is normal speed)

  • The CPU emulation engine (JIT Recompiler is recommended)

  • The dual core option (enabled for better performance)

  • The idle skipping option (enabled for better performance)

  • The deterministic dual core option (disabled for better compatibility)

  • The overclocking option (leave it at 1.0x for stability)

Interface Tab

In this tab, you can change some settings of Dolphin Emulator's interface, such as:

  • The confirmation dialogs for stopping and exiting Dolphin Emulator

  • The display of status messages on the screen

  • The display of game banners in the game list

  • The display of game information in the game list

  • The display of game ratings in the game list

  • The sorting and grouping options for the game list

  • The columns and columns order for the game list

  • The hotkey settings for Dolphin Emulator's functions

Audio Tab

In this tab, you can change some settings of Dolphin Emulator's audio, such as:

  • The audio backend (XAudio2 is recommended for Windows, Cubeb is recommended for macOS and Linux)

  • The audio volume (adjust it to your preference)

  • The audio stretching option (enabled for smoother sound)

  • The audio latency (lower it for less delay)

  • The audio mixer rate (leave it at 32KHz for compatibility)

Advanced Tab

In this tab, you can change some advanced settings of Dolphin Emulator, such as:

  • The CPU clock override option (leave it at 100% for stability)

  • The MMU option (enabled for better compatibility)

  • The BAT option (disabled for better compatibility)

  • The sync GPU thread option (enabled for better performance)

  • The sync on skip idle option (enabled for better performance)

  • The enable cheats option (enabled if you want to use cheats)

  • The enable debug option (disabled unless you are a developer or a tester)

Graphics Settings

To access the graphics settings of Dolphin Emulator, you need to click on the Graphics button on the main toolbar. You will then see a window with several tabs where you can change various options.

General Tab

In this tab, you can change some general settings of Dolphin Emulator's graphics, such as:

  • The backend (Direct3D 11 or 12, OpenGL, or Vulkan, depending on your GPU and driver)

  • The adapter (the GPU that Dolphin Emulator will use)

  • The aspect ratio (auto, force 16:9, force 4:3, or stretch to window)

  • The V-Sync option (enabled to prevent screen tearing)

  • The use fullscreen option (enabled to play in fullscreen mode)

  • The show FPS option (enabled to show the frames per second on the screen)

  • The compile shaders before starting option (enabled to reduce stuttering)

Enhancements Tab

In this tab, you can change some enhancement settings of Dolphin Emulator's graphics, such as:

  • The internal resolution (1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, or higher, depending on your GPU and monitor)

  • The anti-aliasing mode (none, FXAA, SSAA, or MSAA, depending on your GPU and preference)

  • The anisotropic filtering mode (1x, 2x, 4x, 8x, or 16x, depending on your GPU and preference)

  • The post-processing effect (none or any shader that you have downloaded and placed in the Shaders folder of Dolphin Emulator)

  • The scaled EFB copy option (enabled for better quality)

  • The force texture filtering option (enabled for smoother textures)

  • The disable fog option (disabled for better accuracy)

  • The disable copy filter option (disabled for better accuracy)

  • The arbtirary mipmap detection option (enabled for better quality)

Hacks Tab

In this tab, you can change some hack settings of Dolphin Emulator's graphics, such as:

  • The skip EFB access from CPU option (disabled for better compatibility)

  • The ignore format changes option (enabled for better performance)

  • The store EFB copies to texture only option (disabled for better compatibility)

  • The texture cache accuracy option (fast for better performance, safe for better compatibility)

  • The store XFB copies to texture only option (disabled for better compatibility)

  • The immediately present XFB option (disabled for better compatibility)

  • The fast depth calculation option (enabled for better performance)

  • The disable bounding box option (disabled for better compatibility)

Advanced Tab

In this tab, you can change some advanced settings of Dolphin Emulator's graphics, such as:

  • The backend multithreading option (enabled for better performance on multi-core CPUs)

  • The pre-fetch custom textures option (enabled if you are using custom textures and have enough RAM)

  • The load custom textures option (enabled if you are using custom textures and have placed them in the Load/Textures folder of Dolphin Emulator)

  • The dump textures option (enabled if you want to dump the original textures of the game and modify them later)

  • The dump EFB target option (enabled if you want to dump the EFB target of the game and modify it later)

  • The free look option (enabled if you want to move the camera freely in the game using the keyboard or mouse)

Controller Settings

To access the controller settings of Dolphin Emulator, you need to click on the Controllers button on the main toolbar. You will then see a window where you can configure the controllers for the GameCube and the Wii. You can choose between four types of controllers: Standard Controller, GameCube Adapter for Wii U, Emulated Wii Remote, and Real Wii Remote.

Standard Controller

This option allows you to use any PC controller that Dolphin Emulator can detect, such as a keyboard, mouse, gamepad, or joystick. You can map the buttons and axes of your controller to the buttons and axes of the GameCube or Wii controller. You can also adjust the sensitivity, dead zone, and range of your controller. To configure a standard controller, you need to follow these steps:

  • Select the port where you want to plug in your controller (Port 1 for player 1, Port 2 for player 2, and so on).

  • Select the device that you want to use as your controller from the drop-down menu.

  • Select the type of controller that you want to emulate from the drop-down menu (GameCube Controller or Wii Remote + Nunchuk).

  • Click on the Configure button to open a window where you can map your controller buttons and axes.

  • Click on each button or axis that you want to map and press the corresponding button or axis on your controller.

  • Click on OK to save your configuration and close the window.

GameCube Adapter for Wii U

This option allows you to use a real GameCube controller with Dolphin Emulator, using a GameCube Adapter for Wii U. This is a device that connects to your PC via USB and allows you to plug in up to four GameCube controllers. You can also use a third-party adapter that is compatible with Dolphin Emulator. To configure a GameCube adapter for Wii U, you need to follow these steps:

  • Connect your GameCube adapter for Wii U to your PC via USB.

  • Connect your GameCube controller to the adapter.

  • Select the port where you plugged in your controller (Port 1 for player 1, Port 2 for player 2, and so on).

  • Select the GameCube Adapter for Wii U option from the drop-down menu.

  • Click on the Configure button to open a window where you can adjust some settings of your controller.

  • Click on OK to save your configuration and close the window.

Emulated Wii Remote

This option allows you to use any PC controller that Dolphin Emulator can detect as an emulated Wii Remote. You can map the buttons and axes of your controller to the buttons and axes of the Wii Remote, as well as use motion simulation and IR pointer emulation. You can also configure additional extensions for the Wii Remote, such as the Nunchuk, the Classic Controller, or the Guitar Hero Controller. To configure an emulated Wii Remote, you need to follow these steps:

  • Select the slot where you want to plug in your controller (Wiimote 1 for player 1, Wiimote 2 for player 2, and so on).

  • Select the Emulated Wii Remote option from the drop-down menu.

  • Select the device that you want to use as your controller from the drop-down menu.

  • Click on the Configure button to open a window where you can map your controller buttons and axes.

  • Click on each button or axis that you want to map and press the corresponding button or axis on your controller.

  • Click on the Motion Simulation tab to adjust how your controller will simulate motion input for the Wii Remote.

  • Click on the IR tab to adjust how your controller will simulate IR pointer input for the Wii Remote.

  • Click on the Extension tab to select and configure an extension for your Wii Remote.

  • Click on OK to save your configuration and close the window.

Real Wii Remote

This option allows you to use a real Wii Remote with Dolphin Emulator, using a Bluetooth connection. You can also use any extension that is compatible with the Wii Remote, such as the Nunchuk, the Classic Controller, or the Wii MotionPlus. To configure a real Wii Remote, you need to follow these steps:

  • Select the slot where you want to plug in your controller (Wiimote 1 for player 1, Wiimote 2 for player 2, and so on).

  • Select the Real Wii Remote option from the drop-down menu.

  • Click on the Configure button to open a window where you can pair your Wii Remote with your PC.

  • Press the red sync button on the back of your Wii Remote and wait for Dolphin Emulator to detect it.

  • Click on the Refresh button to see if your Wii Remote is connected.

  • Click on OK to save your configuration and close the window.


Now that you have configured Dolphin Emulator and your controller, you are ready to load Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks ISO file or disc into Dolphin Emulator and start playing. Here are the steps you need to follow:

  • Launch Dolphin Emulator by double-clicking on the Dolphin.exe file in the folder where you extracted it.

  • Click on the Open button on the main toolbar and browse to the folder where you stored Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks ISO file. Alternatively, you can insert Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks disc into your disc drive and select it from the drop-down menu.

  • Click on the Play button on the main toolbar or double-click on the game title in the game list to start playing.

  • Enjoy Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks on PC with Dolphin Emulator!

To play Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks, you need to use your controller to control Ben, Gwen, or Kevin, depending on the level. You can also use the Omnitrix to transform into different aliens by pressing the Z button (GameCube) or the C button (Wii) and selecting an alien from the wheel. You can switch between aliens at any time during gameplay by pressing the same button again. You can also use special attacks by pressing the L button (GameCube) or shaking the Wii Remote (Wii) when your Omnitrix meter is full. You can also interact with objects and characters by pressing the A button (GameCube) or the B button (Wii).

To save and load your progress, you need to use the in-game save points that are located throughout the game. You can also use Dolphin Emulator's save states feature, which allows you to save and load your progress at any point during gameplay. To use save states, you need to press Shift + F1 to save your state in Slot 1, Shift + F2 to save your state in Slot 2, and so on. To load your state, you need to press F1 to load your state from Slot 1, F2 to load your state from Slot 2, and so on. You can also use Dolphin Emulator's menu to manage your save states.

To use cheats and enhancements, you need to enable them in Dolphin Emulator's settings. To do this, you need to right-click on Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks title in the game list and select Properties. You will then see a window where you can edit various options for the game. To use cheats, you need to click on the AR Codes tab and check the boxes of the cheats that you want to use. You can also add new cheats by clicking on the Add button and entering their name and code. To use enhancements, you need to click on the Patches tab and check the boxes of the enhancements that you want to use. You can also add new enhancements by clicking on the Edit button and entering their name and code. You can find some cheats and enhancements for Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks on websites like .


In this article, we have shown you how to play Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks on PC with Dolphin Emulator. We have explained how to download and install Dolphin Emulator, how to find a legal copy of Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks for GameCube or Wii, how to configure Dolphin Emulator settings for optimal performance and compatibility, how to load Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks ISO file or disc into Dolphin Emulator, and how to start playing. We have also provided some tips and tricks for enjoying the game more, such as using cheats and enhancements, using save states, and using free look.

Playing Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks on PC with Dolphin Emulator is a great way to experience this fun and action-packed game in full HD resolution, with improved graphics, sound, and features. You can also use any PC controller you want, as well as play online with other players using Dolphin's Netplay feature. You can also explore 10 different planets, use 10 different aliens, and fight against Vilgax and his army of robots and aliens.

If you are a fan of Ben 10, you should definitely try playing Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks on PC with Dolphin Emulator. It is a game that will keep you entertained for hours, as you travel across the galaxy and save the Earth from Vilgax's invasion. You can also check out other Ben 10 games that are compatible with Dolphin Emulator, such as Ben 10: Protector of Earth, Ben 10: Alien Force, Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction, and Ben 10 Omniverse. You can find more information and resources about these games and Dolphin Emulator on websites like .


Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about playing Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks on PC with Dolphin Emulator:

Q: Is Dolphin Emulator legal?

A: Yes, Dolphin Emulator is legal, as it does not contain any Nintendo code or data. It is a software that emulates the hardware and software of the GameCube and Wii consoles using your own hardware and software. However, downloading or distributing games that you do not own legally is illegal and unethical. You should only use your own copy of the game that you bought legally.

Q: Is Dolphin Emulator safe?

A: Yes, Dolphin Emulator is safe, as long as you download it from its official website at . You should avoid downloading Dolphin Emulator from any other website or source, as they may contain viruses or malware that could harm your computer. You should also scan any game file or disc that you use with Dolphin Emulator with an antivirus program before loading it.

Q: How can I improve the performance of Dolphin Emulator?

A: There are several ways to improve the performance of Dolphin Emulator, such as:

  • Updating your graphics card driver to the latest version

  • Closing any unnecessary programs or processes that are running in the background

  • Lowering the internal resolution, anti-aliasing mode, anisotropic filtering mode, or post-processing effect in the graphics settings

  • Enabling the dual core option, the idle skipping option, the ignore format changes option, the store EFB copies to texture only option, the store XFB copies to texture only option, the fast depth calculation option, or the backend multithreading option in the graphics hacks settings

  • Using a faster CPU or GPU that meets or exceeds the recommended system requirements for Dolphin Emulator

Q: How can I play online with other players using Dolphin Emulator?

A: You can play online with other players using Dolphin Emulator's Netplay feature, which allows you to connect with other users over the internet and play the same game together. To use Netplay, you need to follow these steps:

  • Make sure that you and your friends are using the same version of Dolphin Emulator and the same game file or disc.

  • Make sure that you and your friends have configured your controllers and graphics settings in the same way.

  • Click on the Tools menu and select Start Netplay.

  • Click on the Host tab if you want to host a Netplay session, or click on the Connect tab if you want to join a Netplay session.

  • If you are hosting, select the game that you want to play and click on Host. You will then see a window with a room ID and a password that you can share with your friends.

  • If you are joining, enter the room ID and the password that your friend gave you and click on Connect. You will then see a window with a list of players in the room.

  • When everyone is ready, click on Start to begin playing.

Q: How can I use custom textures or mods with Dolphin Emulator?

A: You can use custom textures or mods with Dolphin Emulator, which are files that modify or replace the original textures or data of the game. You can find some custom textures or mods for Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks on websites like . To use custom textures or mods, you need to follow these steps:

  • Download the custom texture or mod file that you want to use and extract it to a folder of your choice.

  • Copy the extracted folder to the Load/Textures folder of Dolphin Emulator. If the folder does not exist, create it.

  • Rename the extracted folder to match the game ID of Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks. You can find the game ID by right-clicking on the game title in the game list and selecting Properties. The game ID should be something like RBVE52 for Wii or GBVE52 for GameCube.

  • Enable the load custom textures option in the graphics advanced settings of Dolphin Emulator.

  • Load Ben 10 Alien Force: Vilgax Attacks ISO file or disc into Dolphin Emulator and start playing.


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